Locust #6 ~ Call for Submissions!


We’ve been busy at the Locust Arts & Letters Collective lately. What with publishing our fifth issue, launching our theoretical journal Imago (both of which are currently inbound to subscribers by carrier pigeon). Plus there’s prepping for new podcast projects (more on that later) and playing musical chairs with our current podcast Locust Radio. Then of course there are the more mundane tasks: painting slogans that come to life if you read them backwards, communist necromancy, teaching our alien dog to do admin (the dog’s name? Æthelred, because he’s never ready), things of that nature.

You would think we’d be ready for a break. But no, here we are, sending out a call for submissions for our sixth issue, which we plan to be out in early fall. Our past couple of issues have seen our submission pools growing, and we would love to have that trend continue.

We often have a theme of some kind in mind for issues; but this time it is a totally open call. Everything seems to be “up in the air:” the supposed waning of the pandemic; the economy and the labor market; the tensions in the socialist movement between electoralism, direct action, and base-building; the raised consciousness against racism and the paucity of liberal symbolic concessions. So send us anything and everything you have: your art, your poetry, your fiction, your odd ephemera, and remember that we only ask it be weird, strange, experimental, that it assaults the limits of capitalist realism and clings to the dreams of liberation and radical transformation. 

The deadline for new submissions is August 15th. They should be emailed to

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