Metal Man

In my wildest dreams
I couldn’t have seen
the metal man
his metal hands

They were cold hard, and merciless
they were perfect for a metal man such as he

And, when he reached for me I felt
the cold pangs of fear
crawl up through my body
and fill my veins with thick, icy gel

languid and stupefied
my body froze in horror
and was so easily plucked from the ground

the metal man held me with caution
then curiosity

no such blessing as cruelty crossed
his features
only a faint and fleeting glimpse
of curiosity

and when this expression passed
I knew my time had come

I left this world in a hot
my body was as soup

warm, wet, cold sweat
and helplessly devoured

Illustration provided by the Born Again Labor Museum.

Illustration provided by the Born Again Labor Museum.

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